Amplifying the impact of manufacturing's hidden champions.

In contract manufacturing, businesses often work behind the scenes, leading some to underestimate the value of branding and marketing. However, these elements are crucial to growth in a burgeoning and competitive market.

Are you ideally positioned in the market? Strategic growth marketing and digital brand transformation are vital for setting your business apart. We have developed a framework to assist you in creating a customised plan — a growth plan designed for contract manufacturers with your specific situation and ambition. 

How we helped an EMS company grow

JJS Manufacturing wanted a revitalised strategy to break through the £30m sales barrier, grow website traffic and leads, and find a new, more powerful way of marketing and turning leads into customers.

Read the Case Study of JJS Manufacturing

The Growth Plan

The Unsung Heroes - A Growth Plan for Contract Manufacturers will help you ask the right questions, review your positioning, branding, and digital strategies, and explore how to build a strong foundation for market orientation and a roadmap for market engagement.
Download a comprehensive eBook on The Growth Plan
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Analyse competitors, create ideal customer profiles and conduct a brand positioning workshop. A one-week programme to stand out from competitors and position your brand for growth. Discover this programme by clicking below to see the offer.

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Online or in-person


Interactive Workshops

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Research & Reports

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Actionable Insight



Establish brand strategies before marketing tactics. Emphasise your value proposition and distinguish yourself from competitors. Position customers as the heroes in your story and create multi-channel content across your buyer's journey.


Online or in-person


Interactive Workshops


A Brand Plan


Messaging Framework



Enhance your marketing strategy by understanding your buyer's journey, developing your content and website plan, and conducting market research. This module creates a plan that prioritises strategy over tactics, to save resources and optimise impact.

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Online or in-person


Interactive Workshops

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Market Research

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Workshop Materials



Deploy a data-driven, integrated, and strategic approach for the sustainable growth of your pipeline. Select the campaign methodologies that fit your purpose and establish the technology platform you need to be successful.

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Online or in-person


Content Strategy

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Campaign Strategy

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The Game Plan



Design a

Your website is the most important digital asset you have. It should give you complete control over the content, branding, and user experience. It should establish credibility, facilitate SEO, enable data analysis, and serve as a hub for sales and marketing.

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3 Month Programme


Managed Process

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Full Transparency

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Fully User Optimised



Design, optimise, and distribute written, audio, and visual content across your buyer's journey. From blogs to guides, videos and podcasts, across multiple channels and mediums, your content is the catalyst that propels brand recognition and engagement. 

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3 Month Programme


Format Options

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Buyer Optimised

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Campaign Ready




A balanced campaign strategy blends inbound with ABM. This combination broadens reach, optimises budget, and offers a competitive edge. It transforms into a business growth engine integrated with sales enablement and RevOps.  

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Weekly Calls


Quarterly Reviews

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Live Reporting

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Continuous Improvement



You will find a host of content on this site that aims to help you implement a growth marketing strategy in your contract manufacturing business. You'll find links at the bottom of the page. But if you want help you can start right here.


Growth Quiz


Discovery Call


Growth Workshop


Positioning Module

What does success look like?

When you implement The Growth Plan, you will develop a revenue growth machine that generates a sustainable pipeline of good-fit opportunities that will fuel your growth. You will rekindle the confidence to scale, build your business on a super-charged CRM, create a media brand, and grow your reach and connections.

Resources to fuel your growth

Discover growth marketing resources for contract manufacturers that need to scale.

A Growth Plan for The Unsung Heroes of Manufaturing
The Unsung Heroes of Manufacturing

Discover how to stand out, power your pipeline, and improve margins.

Find out more about The Unsung Heroes of Manufacuring
A-review-of-the-seven-common-mistakes-title (1)
The Seven Sales and Marketing Mistakes

Here’s how to avoid the bear traps of a rapidly changing sales landscape.

Find out more about the 7 common sales and marketing mistakes contract manufacturers make with Equinet Media
B2B Manufacturing Marketing Guide

Discover how to overcome marketing and sales challenges and drive sustainable growth.

Find out more about B2B Manufacturing Marketing with Equinet Media
A Guide for B2B Content Research
B2B Research Content

How to do proprietary research for powerful content assets you own.

Find out more about B2B Research Content with Equinet Media
A Guide to Brand Positioning
Manufacturer Brand Positioning

Mapping your brand strategy to sales and marketing goals.

Find out more about Manufacture Brand Positioning with Equinet Media
A Guide to Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing

Double down on how you get found by people looking for what you do.

Find out more about Inbound Marketing with Equinet Media
A Guide to Developing a Content Strategy Framework
Content Strategy Framework

How to drive better outcomes from your data, content and design.

Find out more about a Content Strategy Framework with Equinet Media
A Guide to Sales & Marketing Alignment
Sales & Marketing Alignment

Explore why it is essential to align sales and marketing and the rise of RevOps.

Find out more about Sales and Marketing Alignment with Equinet Media
A Guide to Video Marketing Solutions
Producing Compelling Videos

Learn the various approaches to producing compelling inbound marketing videos.

Find out more about producing compelling videos with Equinet Media
gdd-A Guide to Growth-driven Design
Growth-Driven Design

GDD is a proven method for delivering measurable business value from your web design.

Find out more about growth-driven design with Equinet Media
A Guide to Account Based Marketing
ABM Fundamentals 

Target and engage ideal customers for optimal results.

Find out more about ABM Fundamentals with Equinet Media
A Guide to CRM Optimisation
CRM Optimisation

Explore the value of building your business on your CRM Platform.

Find out more about CRM optimisation with Equinet Media
A Guide to Sales Enablement
Sales Enablement

Learn about the importance of creating meaningful content in the sales cycle.

Find out more about Sales Enablement with Equinet Media
A Guide to Developing B2B Buyer Personas
Developing B2B Buyer Personas

A guide to what's involved in creating buyer personas and why it matters.

Find out more about developing B2B Buyer Personas with Equinet Media
The Seven Existential Threats

What's standing in the way of your growth in 2024?

Find out more about the 7 existential threats to contract manufacturers with Equinet Media