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How to radically expand demand with brand marketing and positioning?

All articles | Strategy
Published Apr 04, 2023 | Written by Jeremy Knight

The contract manufacturing sector is a highly competitive landscape. Building a solid brand presence is essential in growing market share. Adopting a revenue operations approach can be game-changing. And defining precise brand positioning is vital for an effective marketing strategy to attract your ideal customer, generate demand more efficiently, and build a competitive advantage.

Contract manufacturers (CMs) often function behind the scenes, making brand marketing, revenue operations, and positioning essential for success. This article highlights the significance of these elements in accelerating demand generation and branding in the contract manufacturing industry for critical stakeholders.

Brand marketing: streamlining the path to market

A targeted marketing campaign is crucial for contract manufacturers to target the right customer segment, accelerate lead generation, and reach the right audience. By identifying ideal clients and creating buyer personas, CMs can customise their marketing messages. In this way, they can address specific needs, pain points, and preferences, thus making their marketing strategy more effective and results-driven.

Content marketing is an essential aspect of brand marketing. It can help demonstrate expertise, position CMs as thought leaders, and attract potential clients more effectively.

Revenue operations: breaking down data silos

Revenue operations (RevOps) is a holistic approach that aligns sales, marketing, and customer success teams, breaking down data silos and improving overall business efficiency. By adopting a RevOps approach, CMs can make sure that all departments work together toward common goals, enabling a more streamlined path to market.

Incorporating RevOps into a CM's marketing strategy involves centralising data from various marketing, sales and customer service, providing a single source of truth that all teams can access. This unified data approach allows CMs to make better-informed decisions, improve cross-functional communication, and ultimately accelerate lead generation and grow customer loyalty.

Brand positioning: defining a unique value proposition

A brand position defines and communicates a CM's unique value proposition to its target audience. A strong brand position helps CMs differentiate themselves from competitors and create a memorable brand image in the minds of potential clients. By focusing on their unique strengths, capabilities, and expertise, CMs can create a compelling marketing campaign and brand narrative. One that resonates with their target audience and accelerates lead generation.

The importance of brand position and brand narrative in contract manufacturing includes:

1. Differentiation: In a competitive market, a well-defined brand position allows CMs to stand out by highlighting their unique capabilities, expertise, and value proposition. By creating a distinct brand image, CMs can attract potential clients and generate opportunities more effectively.

2. Emotional connection: A compelling brand narrative can help CMs establish an emotional connection with their target audience, making their brand more memorable and appealing. By telling a story that resonates with potential clients, CMs can build trust and loyalty, ultimately accelerating growth.

3. Consistent messaging: A clearly defined brand position and narrative make sure that all marketing and communication efforts align with the CM's value proposition. This consistency helps to reinforce the brand image and make the marketing message more impactful for prospects.

4. Targeted marketing
: With a well-defined brand positioning, CMs can create campaigns that directly address their target audience's needs and preferences. This targeted approach makes marketing efforts more effective, leading to accelerated demand generation.

To develop a strong brand positioning and brand narrative, CMs should consider the following steps:

Conduct competitive analysis: Identify the strengths and weaknesses of competitors in the contract manufacturing space. This analysis will help CMs appreciate their unique selling points and how they can differentiate themselves in the market.

Define the target audience: Clearly define your audience, including their needs, pain points, and preferences. This understanding will help CMs tailor their brand positioning and narrative to resonate with their ideal clients.

Develop a unique value proposition: Based on competitive analysis and target audience insights, create a unique value proposition. Highlight your expertise, capabilities, and the value you bring to clients. This proposition should differentiate the CM from competitors and address the target audience's needs.

Craft a compelling brand narrative: Develop a brand story communicating the CM's unique value proposition. And do it in a way that resonates with the target audience. This narrative should be engaging and memorable and help establish an emotional connection with potential clients.

Align marketing efforts with brand positioning: Make sure all marketing campaigns, content, and communication efforts are consistent with the CM's brand positioning and narrative. This alignment will reinforce the brand image and make marketing messages more impactful.

Track and adjust: Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of the brand positioning and narrative. Use data and insights from customer research, marketing campaigns, customer feedback, and industry developments to refine brand positioning and narrative.

Brand marketing and revenue operations: synergy for success

CMs should leverage the synergies between brand marketing and revenue operations to accelerate demand generation in contract manufacturing further. Combining these elements can create a powerful strategy for attracting your ideal customer and driving growth.

Align brand marketing and RevOps goals

Make sure brand marketing objectives align with the overall revenue operations strategy. By aligning these goals, CMs can create a cohesive approach to demand generation. One that maximises the impact of both brand marketing and revenue operations efforts.

Optimise marketing campaigns with data insights

Use data insights from the RevOps approach to inform brand marketing decisions. This data-driven approach can help CMs refine their marketing strategies, improve targeting, and deliver more effective campaigns that generate demand from their ideal customer.

Leverage technology

Utilise tools and platforms to streamline brand marketing efforts and revenue operations. Marketing automation, CRM systems, and data analytics tools can help CMs manage and analyse data, drive efficiency, and accelerate demand generation.

Enhance customer experience

Combining brand marketing and revenue operations can help CMs deliver a seamless and consistent customer experience across all touchpoints. CMs can build trust, loyalty, and long-term client relationships by providing a unified customer journey, ultimately driving demand generation and growth.

Measure and improve

Continuously track and analyse the performance of brand marketing and revenue operations initiatives. Use data insights to identify areas for improvement, optimise strategies, and drive continuous growth.


So, how do you radically expand demand with brand marketing and positioning? 

Brands are crafted to make businesses stand out and appeal to their target audience and prospective customers. This is achieved by creating a compelling positioning statement for the target market, pinpointing and conveying a distinctive edge through exciting marketing material and messages that resonate with the target customers—and building a business model that embraces more of a market orientation.

Building strong brand awareness, and brand loyalty, dominating your competitor and building a competitive advantage in line with your marketing goal are essential in growing market share and keeping existing customers in the competitive contract manufacturing sector. 

Adopting a revenue operations approach and defining precise brand positioning is vital for growing your customer base. Innovation in your marketing activity, focusing on these elements and leveraging the synergies between brand marketing and revenue operations, CMs can attract potential customers, generate demand more efficiently, and accelerate growth. A comprehensive marketing strategy can set CMs apart and establish a solid foundation for long-term success.

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Published by Jeremy Knight April 4, 2023
Jeremy Knight