Website Design

An outstanding website development project blends strategic insights and creative design grounded in a deep understanding of user behaviour.

equinetmedia website design
Design Research
Design Research

Website Review

Answer fifteen questions online and get a report on your current website. 

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Website Strategy Workshop

Website Workshop

Set goals for what you want to achieve and establish all the elements you want to see on your website.

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Website Growth Driven Design

Continuous Improvement

Discover how Growth-Driven Design can help deliver continuous improvement on your website.

Download the guide  

Your website strategy serves your business goals and your audience's needs while considering competitor benchmarks.

It isn’t about showcasing your company’s achievements, but about addressing the needs and concerns of the Original Equipment Manufactures (OEMs) you want to work with.

Armed with all this information, we will create a user journey map and develop a wish list of items to include on your site that will help you achieve your goals.

website design overview

Your website is the most important digital asset you have. It should give you complete control over the content, branding, and user experience. Additionally, it should establish credibility, facilitate SEO, enable data analysis, and serve as a hub for sales and marketing.

Website Plan

An outstanding website development project blends strategic insights and creative design grounded in a deep understanding of user behaviour. It aims to serve your business goals and your audience's needs while considering competitor benchmarks. It isn’t about showcasing your company’s achievements, but about addressing the needs and concerns of the OEMs you want to work with.

Armed with all this information, we will create a user journey map and develop a wish list of items to include on your site that will help you achieve your goals.

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Journey Mapping
Guide users on a journey to show how you help them solve problems at different points in typically lengthy and complex sales. By considering the lifecycle stages in your buyer's journey and the different buyer personas involved in a buying decision, you improve their individual experiences and the outcomes for you.
Setting Goals

Setting goals for your website helps to build a solid foundation for your website strategy. What are your high level business targets? Do your sales team need more leads? Do you need to attract and retain more quality staff? Whatever the goal, we work to increase those metrics.

Website Wish List

Every website project should start with a wish list of website actions, modules or pages to support your goals. The wish list is used to determine the initial action items to implement on the new site and works as an agile and flexible list that we will work through in continuous growth-driven design (GDD) cycles.


A wireframe is a skeleton of a page that shows the spacing of elements and how content is prioritised. It allows us to identify any usability issues early on in the design process. Wireframes are intentionally void of colour, graphics, and stylised fonts.


A prototype is a simulation closely resembling the final product and is used for testing and approval before the build and launch. It will have enough detail to enable us to test the flow, screen layouts, text and basic interactions. Prototyping is essential for resolving usability issues and revealing areas for improvement before proceeding to build.


By the time a trend is being mass-marketed - like many of the ones mentioned in this article - innovators are already experimenting with new strategies behind the scenes.

With this in mind, it's important to keep trends in perspective by following the ones that compliment your business and continuing to experiment outside of mainstream practices.

In other words, don't overlook the possibility of starting your own trends.

Website Design

User interface (UI) design is more than just the navigation of your website. It’s what makes your website engaging to interact with.

It’s a visual representation of your brand identity, consisting of your colour schemes, typefaces, iconography, interactivity, animations and design layouts.

This helps to create a consistent brand feel that allows users to feel comfortable and in control whilst navigating your website.

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JJS Manufacturing

JJS Manufacturing (now ESCATEC) wanted a revitalised strategy to break through the £30m sales barrier, grow website traffic and leads, and find a new, more powerful way of marketing and turning leads into customers.


Cognidox wanted a new website to professionalise their look, feel and standing in the document management and product control development ‘space’. The strategy had to drive qualified leads, generate demand for demos, support conversions and an aggressive business growth plan.

Insightful Environments

Insightful Environments

Insightful Environments decided to invest in HubSpot and an inbound marketing strategy and wanted an agency that could deliver a mix of brand, content and creativity linked to their business goals.

Ace Fire & Security

An EMS company's path to sustained growth

"We’ve added over £20M of new business in the last three years and now convert two thirds of all inbound leads to customers."

Neil Sharp Marketing Director

Lean document management for medical devices

"The quality of our traffic and leads is now much higher. I believe in Equinet’s approach and the effectiveness of inbound marketing."

Joe Byrne CEO

At the forefront of office design & build

"I have quickly come to trust Equinet and have been especially impressed with how quickly they understood our business and the quality of their content."


David Revis Head of Marketing

Website Development


Equinet has a website development process to ensure the delivery of impactful results.

The strategic elements we develop with you during the Positioning and Branding modules and the Website Strategy workshop will inform the site structure, user journeys, messaging, and page flows.

From those foundations, the development process moves through the following key stages:


Information to follow on our sprint processes in the agile environment
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Design Frameworks

We develop a style direction for your new site, agreeing design elements like colourways, iconography, and image style.

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Site Copy

We create "page flows' for key pages, which determine messaging and structure, and plan copy development for the entire site.

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Our developers build the pages to an agreed project plan. You'll see previews and approvals along the way.

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Test & Launch

We QA each page and the entire site as well as test it across major browsers, devices and screen sizes before launching it for the world to experience.

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Once your site is live, we monitor it to ensure everything is up and running as expected and the search engines are happy.

A peak performance website requires data-driven optimisation

With your website live and collecting user data via tools like HubSpot, Google Search Console and HotJar, we can start to identify the high-impact actions that will drive engagement, conversions, and growth. We do this through ongoing growth-driven design cycles.


GDD vs. Traditional website design

High-performing websites are not built quickly

GDD involves constantly researching, testing and learning about visitors to your website to inform a programme of continuous improvements.


  • Fast time to value

  • Investment spread out over time

  • Launch on-time and within budget

  • Data-driven decisions

  • Month-on-month improvement


  • Huge time investment

  • Large up-front costs

  • Often runs late and over budget

  • Built on opinions

  • Set it and forget it

The Growth-Driven Design cycle

With each GDD cycle we learn more and more about your website visitors. This knowledge is used to improve your website performance and the quantity and quality of leads coming to your site.


Design Research


We start with a wishlist of items you want to include on your website and prioritise those offering the greatest results for the least amount of effort.



We design and build the items agreed in step 1 whilst considering elements for experiments, such as A/B testing.



We collect user data and analyse how the site is performing against your goals. We use this data to review the existing wish list and inform the goals for the next cycle.



Learnings are shared with your Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service teams. This creates alignment across teams so you can provide a better user experience throughout the entire customer journey.

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View the Strategy Module to the left or Content Design to the right.
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Content Design

Produce multi-channel content tailored to your buyer’s journey, optimised for widespread distribution..

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Campaign Delivery

Implement digital campaigns with measurable outcomes, allowing for ongoing performance optimisation.

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Let's Get Started

In a world where customers expect you’ll operate unseen, how do you stand out, improve your margins and deliver explosive growth?

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The Positioning Module

Begin your journey by diving deep into your competitors, creating ideal customer profiles, and positioning your brand.

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The Branding Module

Prioritise a market-oriented approach focusing more on your customers’ needs, fears, and aspirations than your services.

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The Marketing Module

Adopt a full-spectrum approach from inbound to outbound to reach and influence good-fit customers where they like to be.

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The Strategy Module

Employ a data-driven, integrated, and strategic approach for effective growth tactics.



Want to know more about transforming your website into a lead-generating machine? Find out how a bespoke website design could generate and convert more right-fit leads across long buying cycles.